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时间:2021-07-01 浏览量:10265

  马来西亚林肯大学学院(Lincoln University College,Malaysia)是中国教育部和马来西亚高教部认可的卓越大学,是美国林肯大学的姐妹院校,全球大学联盟成员之一,被马来西亚教育部评为“五星级大学”。其课程已获得马来西亚高等教育部及马来西亚学术鉴定局(MQA)认可。
  林肯大学学院(Lincoln University College)创建于2002年,并于2011年由林肯学院升格为大学学院。学院的主教学大楼位于马来西亚雪兰莪州八打灵再也,距离首都吉隆坡约10公里。是一所具有大专、本科、硕士、博士层次教育的马来西亚全日制高等院校。


  Lincoln University College (LUC), located at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia was established in the year 2002 as Lincoln College (LC) and later upgraded to Lincoln University College in the year 2011. Lincoln University College is one of the premier private institutions of higher education approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA- National Accreditation Board). The University College is also crowned with 5 Star ranking by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia in 2017. Lincoln University College is listed among the top nine Malaysian universities according to the Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings 2019. LUC is also an ISO 9001:2015 certified academic institution. Lincoln University College is also the associate member of the ‘Association of Indian Universities (AIU)’, Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), London and a member of ‘International Association of Universities (IAU)’, Paris.

  The founders and administrators of Lincoln are true academicians who are committed to helping the students to achieve their potential in the education, research and employment world of this exciting new millennium. They bring together almost fifty years of higher education, post-secondary education and language teaching experience. Their backgrounds include teaching, research and professional training. The main focus of Lincoln University College is student-centred and student-directed. Our philosophy is that everyone has a claim to education to better their life, advance their career and reach their desired level of personal success.